About Us

We5 Ayurveda

We5 Ayurveda is based on the authentic concepts of Ayurveda. Which are near to impossible to find now a days especially in northern part of India. We believe not only in curing the disease but also in protecting the body from upcoming health issues. Our scientific spirit is grounded in rational principles, ensuring personalised treatment for each patient, to help them regain their health with Panchakrma, dietary modification, yoga & lifestyle changes.


Let your tired feet rest and experience the deep relaxation offered by Pada Abhyanga. A professional Ayurvedic foot massage is a treat for painful feet and helps relax fatigued muscles and joints. Also good for eyes and improves the circulation by affecting the accupressure points.


Make your eyes sparkle with Netra Tarpan Therapy. This calming and soothing eye bath reduces eye strain, rejuvenates the eye and enhances eye glimmer. Protects and nurture your eyes from the day today pollutants. Many of times it also maintains your eye sight and reduces your spectacles number.


Baluka Swedan is a hot sand therapy that uses sand-filled boluses which are heated and pressed on the painful joints, muscles and whole body. It removes and digests your Ama dosha from your body. This is also a rejuvenating massage that is great for skin smoothening and sometime can be taken for general well being.


One cannot deny the state of bliss and tranquillity you get from a therapeutic head massage. Imagine when this head massage is given by trained experts by using herbal oils. Shiro Abhayangam is a smooth, gentle, relaxing and rejuvenating head massage that promotes deep relaxation and keeps you hooked for more. It is the right path to cool down your brain and to maintain its proper functioning.


It is a well formulated procedure for well being of brain. It act through the pituitary gland and maintains the hormonal balance of the body. As per many experiences of the people, it is said that every single person should experience the feeling of euphoria and ecstasy offered by Shirodhara therapy once in their lifetime. One can only explain the experience when warm oil or medicines which is poured over the forehead and a deep feeling of calm and relaxation is attained. Not to miss the benefits it has to offer for skin, hair growth and anti-ageing


Enter a zone of Bliss and Deep Relaxation with Abhyanga, a full-body therapeutic massage with oils. It is extremely relaxing, energizing and rejuvenating for the body and mind. Not to forget its beauty benefits as regular Abhyanga gives you healthy, smooth and radiant skin. Many of the time it act as a pre operative procedures in Panchakarma therapies. It is mentioned as the daily regimen to protect the normal functioning of body and mind. We assure you that this therapy is quite euphoric as well as addictive and you will definitely ask for more sessions with us.


Panchakarma is a group of methods or procedures for cleansing the body of all the unwanted waste. Panchakarma are 5 (five) in number; hence the term PANCHA (five) – KARMA (procedures). Panchakarma treatment is unique in the sense that it includes preventive, curative and promotive actions all at the same time for various diseases. It is useful in all the disease conditions and also for the healthy person.
1. Vamana karma (therapeutic emesis) – induced vomiting specially clear the upper gastro till the duodenum (end of stomach) and part of the respiratory tract.
2. Virechanam (therapeutic purgation) – induced medicated purgation specially clean the lower gastro from the duodenum (end of stomach) till the anal route.
3. Anuvasana basti(enema with medicated oil) – Oil enema helps lubricate the whole body and take out all the body waste through fecal matter.
4. Astapana basti (Enema with medicated decoction) – This medicated decoction enema cleanses the whole body and take out the waste or toxins through stool.
5. Nasyam – nasal instillation of medicated substan.

Our First Step To Start Better Living

We5 Ayurveda is based on the authentic concepts of Ayurveda.

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About We5 Ayurveda

मेरे दोनों घुटने तथा दोनों एड़िया में बहुत ज्यादा दर्द होता था | किसी के कहने से मैं डॉक्टर सर को मिली, इन्होंने लगभग 7 या 8 दिन तक मेरा पंचकर्म किया, जिससे मुझको बहुत ज्यादा फर्क नज़र आया | करीब एक महीने की दवाई खाने के बाद मैं बिल्कूल स्वस्थ हो गयी | डॉक्टर साब की मैं बहुत आभारी हूँ |

Deeplata, Dabwali

I had very severe back ache since 2 months, but pain was very intense. I was unable to do any kind of work either official or household. Eventually it was so hard for me to stand for a long time during brushing of my tooth. After taking the Panchakarma treatment I got almost 90% of relief in my first session. After 15 days of follow-up it got totally reduced. Now I am totally fit and fine. I joined my job back and living a health life.

Rajesh, Rania

मेरे दोनों घुटनों तथा पैरों मे बहुत ज्यादा तकलीफ रहती थी | मेरे दोनो घुटने सूज कर लाल हो जाते थे, रात के समय बहुत दर्द रहता था | मैंने काफी सारी जगह इलाज के लिए चक्कर काटे पर कुछ खास आराम नहीं हुआ | बाद मे मैंने पंचकर्म करवाया जिससे मुझको बहुत ही ज्यादा फायदा हुआ | मेरा बहुत अच्छे से ध्यान रखा गया, और मेरे घुटनों तथा दोनों पैरों से दर्द को खत्म ही कर दिया |

Supari Devi, Fatehpuria

मेरे पूरे शरीर मे दर्द व भारीपन रहता था, जो की कई सालों से ही था | मेरा लड़का फौज में है, और मेरा इलाज उसके हॉस्पिटल में भी हुआ | पर दर्द में कोई खास आराम नहीं आया | मैंने राजस्थान, हरियाणा और पंजाब बहुत सारी जगह से इलाज कराया पर आराम कही नहीं मिला | उसके बाद में डॉक्टर सर से मिली, जिन्होंने एक महीने मे मेरी सारी बीमारियां दूर कर दी | अब मैं बिल्कूल ठीक हूँ और खुश भी बहुत हूँ |

Guddi, Khariya

मैं पेशे से एक किसान हूँ, और खेत में काम करते करते अचानक मेरी कमर में दर्द हुआ | मैंने सिरसा में काफी जगह इलाज करवाया पर कोई फर्क नहीं आया | बाद में मैंने We5Ayurveda से इलाज करवाया, उसके बाद मुझको 5 दिन के अंदर ही आराम मिलना शुरू हो गया | अब मै बिल्कूल ठीक हूँ और अपना सारा काम खुद कर लेता हूँ |

Anil, Fatehpuria

I was a student when I got disease of my digestion. Some 5 years back I went to Delhi for my studies, their because of outside food and lifestyle habits I got weak digestion. In Delhi only I was unable to digest my food, after every meal I need to go to the toilet and sometime this happened in between the meals. I become so tired and weak after each passing day. But after getting the lifestyle management tips and diet chart I regain my previous digestive strength with in a week. Without any medication I become healthier. Now I am working in the aviation department without any problem.

Renu, Sirsa

मैं विकास, हनुमानगढ़ का निवासी हूँ, मेरी उम्र 25 साल है | मुझको पिछले पाँच सालों से कमर में बहुत ज्यादा दर्द रहता है | जिसकी वजह से मुझे कोई भी काम करने में बहुत मुश्किल महसूस होती थी | मैंने बहुत जगह से बहुत सारी दवाएं ली है, परंतु कोई भी आराम नही मिला | फिर मैंने डाक्टर साहब से दवाई ली, उनके बताये हुए खाना पीना शुरू किया | 10 दिन के पंचकर्म से मुझको बहुत ज्यादा आराम है | आज मैं 15 दिन बाद दोबारा सर को मिलने आया हूँ | मेरा सारा दर्द गायब है | मैं बहुत ही खुश हूँ |

Vikash, Hanumangarh