All posts by we5ayurveda

July 18, 2022 0 Comments

Trimala is an Sanskrit term made out from two words i.e. ‘Tri’ means ‘three’ and ‘Mala’ means ‘the waste product’. So finally the word Trimala stands for “The three waste products”. There is a ‘Ttrimala’ theory in Ayurveda which includes include urine, stool, and sweat as the basic principal malas. The excreta of eyes, ears, […]

July 18, 2022 0 Comments

Kapha dosha is one among the three humors (Tridosha) of the physical body (sthula shareera). There vitiation and disturbance causes the diseases inside the body and there equlibrium is the reason for a healthy balanced life. Kapha dosha Kapha is the word explained with an Sanskrit term “श्लिष आलिङ्गने” here the word ‘shlisha’ means mucus like […]

July 18, 2022 0 Comments

Trimala is an Sanskrit term made out from two words i.e. ‘Tri’ means ‘three’ and ‘Mala’ means ‘the waste product’. So finally the word Trimala stands for “The three waste products”. There is a ‘Ttrimala’ theory in Ayurveda which includes include urine, stool, and sweat as the basic principal malas. The excreta of eyes, ears, nose; tears; […]

March 20, 2022 0 Comments

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March 15, 2022 0 Comments

In Ayurveda the concept of food Digestion under the heading of “Ahara parinamaka bhava”. This is made of three Sanskrit term i.e. Ahara or food, Parinamakara or the digestion and Bhava or the factors. Collectively it is called as the factors which are responsible for the digestion of food. There are six factors listed in […]