Ayurveda and Tridosha

July 19, 2022 0 Comments

Ayurveda and Tridosha

           Tridosha is a Sanskrit term which means (tri means three and dosha means those who vitiate the body or humors). Tridosha refers to three elements whose stability maintains the health of an individual.


In Ayurveda there are so many theories to understand the basics, in which Tridosha theory is very well accepted or it is the base layer in formation of Ayurvedic treatment and diagnosis. These doshas are classified on behalf of there gunas/ qualities. Means each guna has a specific quality whcich differentiate it from others, also like Vata is invisible in nature which is only assumed with the help of qualities.

1. Vata dosha:

This is the main among all the three doshas and it can be understood by assuming it as Air like matter. It has qualities like ruksha/ dry, khara/ rough, sheeta/ cold, laghu/light, sukshma/ minute and chala/ mobile. These qualities got hampered in the body as per any sign and symptoms of any disease will shows the vitiation of Vata dosha. And the treatment which is followed for this is the usage of drugs which possesses the oposite gunas/ qualities. 

2. Pitta dosha:

This dosha can be understand by the Fire like matter. It has sneha/oily, ushna/ hot, tikshna/ power to penetrate, drava/ liquid, sara/property to flow and laghu/ light qualities. these are very much different then the Vata gunas. The above mentioned criter about cause of disease and treatment is same for all the doshas. 

3. kapha dosha:

It could be understand with an Ice like matter. It has snigdha/unctous, sheeta/ cold, guru/ heavy, manda/ slow, slakshana/ slimmy, and sthira/ firm qualities which are moreover opposite to the qualities of Vata dosha.

Everything in Ayurveda is based upon this theory of Tridosha and disturbance in the gunas of the dosha shown disturbed dosha which leads to manifestation of disease. In the same manner the Vaidya/ phjysician will follow the opposite guna to correct the quality of the guna hampered, which finally cures the disease.
If we try to classify these three doshas into three matter then we can assume as;
Solid = Kapha, Liquid = Pitta and Gas = Vata, but this thoery is not much appropriate. But for understanding we can assume like this way. These are called as Sharirika dosha (physical humors), whereas there is also manasika dosha (menatl or spiritual humors) viz. Satva, Rajas and Tamas.

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