Basic Principles of Ayurveda

July 19, 2022 0 Comments

Basic Principles of Ayurveda

    Every science has few basic and fundamental concepts which helps in the building the science or act as the pillar of that. In same manner Ayurveda has some basic principles on which Ayurveda nestles from ages are as follow :

1. The Triguna theory

It is about the three fundamental univesal energy viz – Satva, Rajas and Tamas. Sometimes they are also called as the Manasika dosha (contaminants of mind). They are also known as Maha gunas (great qualities), among these three Rajas and Tamas are also symbolised as manasika dosha whereas only Satva refered as manasika guna.

2. The Pancha mahabhutas theory

It is about the five basic elements of universe, or these are the base of cosmic creation. Everything is made up of these five elements from living to non living in this cosmos. These are Akash (space), Vayu (air), Agni (fire), Jala (water) and Prithavi (earth). As per Ayurveda everything is made out of these five elements even a human body. The difference between any two things depends upon the percentage of these five elements.

3. The Tri doshas theory

These are the three humours i.e. Vata, Pitta and kapha of the human body and there vitiation will leads to the cause of diseases. Every ailment is related with the imbalance of these three doshsa in Ayurveda. On the same way there alignment leads to the healthy body.

4. The Sapta dhatus theory

These are the seven essential body tissues viz – Rasa (fluids), Rakata (bloods), Mamsa (muscles), Medas (fats), Asthi (baones), Majja (marrows) and Shukra (reproductive fluid or semen). These are the tissue which formed from Panchamahabhutas to form the physical human body.

5. The Trayodasha agni theory

These are the thirteen types of agni (fire) viz – one Jathragni (gastric fire), seven Dhatvagni (fire of seven dhatus) and five Bhutagni ( fire of five mahabutas). These 13 types act as the energy to form the human body.

6. The Tri malas theory

These are three body waste viz – Purisa (feaces), Mutra (urine) and Sweda (sweat). These are also called as the body wastes or which is excreted out of the body in unwanted form.

There are moltitudinous principle in Ayurevda but above six theories are the main essenc e in this science.

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