Best country for Ayurveda

July 19, 2022 0 Comments

Best country for Ayurveda

                             Ayurveda is formed from two Sanskrit word i.e. Ayu; which means age or life and other is Veda; which means the knowledge or science. 

Ayurveda history

There are four Vedas which are known to mankind as the oldest book or scriptures founded over the planet. And the word ‘Ayurveda’ is very much simillar to the same word Veda, are they related to each other? Yes they are related, eventually there are four Vedas; Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda. The oldest among these four is Rigveda and the youngest is Atharvaveda, in which Ayurveda is the Upveda of Atharvaveda (Upveda is the sub part), hence Ayurveda is the branch of Veda which especially deals with the treatement part. 

Ayurveda word meaning

As it is explained earlier that Ayu means age and veda means knowledge, so Ayurveda stands for the Knowledge of age or we can say it as Science of life. Which tells about the betterment of life in possible ways by explaining the human life in all manner.

Origin of Ayurveda

It is originated from the India only as the land of all other four vedas, if we consider some reference, then In Charaka samhita (the compendium of Acharya Charaka, or the main reference book of Ayurveda) mentioned Panchala kshetra (Punjab now a days) and Himalya (the mountain present in the India tibet border). These two refernces for places is mentioned so many times in Charaka samhita.
So, now we come to know that the origin country for Ayurveda is India and it is mainly used or practiced in South India especially Kerala and Karnataka. Because there were so many invaders comes to India at different time with different cultures by which the bases of India got shifted to the southren part of India in all the aspects.
So, Ayurveda is maily practiced and followed in South India especially in Kerala, also Kerala people modified the Ayuvedic procedures in many ways which mainly calld as Keraliya Panchakrma. In other part of South like Andhra pradesh, Telangana and Tamil nadu they modified in many different ways like Siddha chikitsa and Marma chikitsa etc. Whereas in Maharastra it is modified into Panchabhautika chikitsa. Ayurveda got so many modification based on the parts of India itself also when the science moves out to the other countries like China, Tibet and Bhutan etc. it again modified into their traditional pathy.
So the best counrty to get Ayurveda is India only especially South India, now a days in northern part it is gaining its popularity once again as it was at the time of origin. No doubt it will take lots of time and energy to do that, but it will happen one day.

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