
July 19, 2022 0 Comments

   Ayurveda is popular now a days but it comes into limelight just in past few years like a fashion. When people get to know about Yoga and attain so many benefits from that, then they reconsidered Ayurveda. To know about the whole story you sholud know about the history of Ayurveda. Ayurveda history As it […]

July 19, 2022 0 Comments

Rasayana is not a very common term for an Non- Ayurveda person, but it is very much popular every culture of the world. Sometimes it called as energy booster, health supplements and rejuvenators etc. Its got its popularity at the time of Corona in India. Many of the Ayurvedic physician and person who trusted Ayurveda want to […]

July 19, 2022 0 Comments

     Ayurveda is well known science of ancient India from the time of Vedas. And its methodology is based on so many basic principles which are simillar in all Vedic scriptures. Among them Panchamahabhoota or Panchabhoota sidhanta (theory) is very common, which plays an very important role in understanding of Ayurveda. Panchamahabhoota or Panchabhoota […]

July 19, 2022 0 Comments

Rasayana is not a very common term for an Non- Ayurveda person, but it is very much popular every culture of the world. Sometimes it called as energy booster, health supplements and rejuvenators etc. Its got its popularity at the time of Corona in India. Many of the Ayurvedic physician and person who trusted Ayurveda want to […]

July 19, 2022 0 Comments

Rasayana is not a very common term for an Non- Ayurveda person, but it is very much popular every culture of the world. Sometimes it called as energy booster, health supplements and rejuvenators etc. Its got its popularity at the time of Corona in India. Many of the Ayurvedic physician and person who trusted Ayurveda want to […]

July 19, 2022 0 Comments

Rasayana is not a very common term for an Non- Ayurveda person, but it is very much popular every culture of the world. Sometimes it called as energy booster, health supplements and rejuvenators etc. Its got its popularity at the time of Corona in India. Many of the Ayurvedic physician and person who trusted Ayurveda want to […]

July 19, 2022 0 Comments

Rasayana is not a very common term for an Non- Ayurveda person, but it is very much popular every culture of the world. Sometimes it called as energy booster, health supplements and rejuvenators etc. Its got its popularity at the time of Corona in India. Many of the Ayurvedic physician and person who trusted Ayurveda want to […]

July 19, 2022 0 Comments

Rasayana is not a very common term for an Non- Ayurveda person, but it is very much popular every culture of the world. Sometimes it called as energy booster, health supplements and rejuvenators etc. Its got its popularity at the time of Corona in India. Many of the Ayurvedic physician and person who trusted Ayurveda want to […]

July 19, 2022 0 Comments

Rasayana is not a very common term for an Non- Ayurveda person, but it is very much popular every culture of the world. Sometimes it called as energy booster, health supplements and rejuvenators etc. Its got its popularity at the time of Corona in India. Many of the Ayurvedic physician and person who trusted Ayurveda want to […]

July 19, 2022 0 Comments

Rasayana is not a very common term for an Non- Ayurveda person, but it is very much popular every culture of the world. Sometimes it called as energy booster, health supplements and rejuvenators etc. Its got its popularity at the time of Corona in India. Many of the Ayurvedic physician and person who trusted Ayurveda want to […]