Causes of diseases through Ayurveda

July 19, 2022 0 Comments

Causes of diseases through Ayurveda

Today’s world is very much uncertain about the causative factors of illness. In search of that Medical science invest million of dollars, but still unable to get a particular answer about the same. Because the approach towards that is improper. Or we can understand that the approach is not multi dimensional. As diseases are immeasurable which also got increased day by day so the objectives are also innumefrable.

But In Ayurveda its not the same they have very superior approach regarding different aspect of life. One among them is about the causative factors of the disease. Charaka samhita is very celebrated scripture of Ayurveda or it is the most accepted literature of Ayurveda in today’s generation. As per that there are three causative factor of Disease. 


1. Asatmayartha indriyartha samyoga

This is a sanskrit term which means when a person indulge in excessive, less and improperly usage of their senses ( 5 karma indriya & 5 gyaan indriya). Indulgence with senses in any ways as mentioned three ways will leads to disease.

2. Pragyaparadha

This is again an sanskrit term means that If a person do something knowingly which is inappropriate or unsuitable to someone or to himself/ herself. That again will leads to the disease.

3. Parinama

 It is again a sanskrit term which means Kala/ time. So some of the diseases are based on the importance of time that means that there will the time for a particular things to get happen, for that the reason could be the time only. Here in this context of kala the Acharya Charaka mentioned about the Hunger and Sleep as the roga (disease). Here Roga means anything which hurts the human body leads to anykind of pain is called as roga/ disease. So hunger and sleep also gives uneasyness to the body if not fulfilled. 

These three component will helps any scholar to know the causative factors of the diseases which finally helps him in the treatment of the same. 

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