Ojas- The Ayurveda Immunity

March 20, 2022 0 Comments

Ojas- The Ayurveda Immunity

Ojas or Oja are two simillar words stands for the same meaning i.e. life of the physical body and some people also called it as the fluid of life. In Ayurveda the Ojas is meant for a fluid which protects the individual from the diseases. It can be correlated with the Immunity of an person. There is no such fluid or substance present inside the body which gives the protection as per modern day science. But Ayurveda gives a very detailed description of a liquid which is resposible for the disease free body or which act as an immunity.

Ojas Origin

As it is fluid of life which also suggests that; the life a person depends over this liquid. Life of an individual divided into two phases i.e. embryonic phase inside the womb and another one as a separate body. In both the living form the production of Ojas is different but function is same i.e. protection from disease or make the tissues live. 

Before birth (In Embryonic stage)

It is first formed in the zygote at the time of the conjugation of the sperm and ova. It comes from both of the parents and which provides the life to that zygote. Also the stability of the zygote depends upon the quality of the Ojas present inside that. 

After birth

After the delievery of the child the body starts to work differently. As it is alredy mentioned that the life is dependent of this Ojas, so there should be some production house of it. But at the time period of foetus, it is unable to produce its own energy or life and it is dependent totally over the mother for all its basic needs. But when its comes out the female body the functioning of the new born starts different. In that Sapta dhatu (the seven major tissues or system of the body) produces the Ojas.

Ojas production through Saptadhatu

There are seven dhatus as per Ayurveda and there functions is to hold the physical body of the person. The plays the part in formation of the physical body. They are Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Medas, Asthi, Majja and Shukra. There are two theories for the production of the Ojas. In which most accepted is that; the production of Ojas is at the end product of the last dhatus i.e. after the Shukra dhatu Ojas is formed. In the other theory the Ojas is produced from all the seven dhatus as there special part.

Types of Ojas

There are two types of the Ojas mentioned in Ayurveda. i.e.

1. Para Ojas

The word meaning of this Sanskrit term is special or important. It is situated in the cardiac region or heart, its amount is 8 bindu (drops) and its colour is whitish yellow and red. Its presence inside the body shows that the body is alive.

2. Apara Ojas

The word meaning of this Sanskrit term is not special or unimportant. It is situated in the whole body (there is no any special place as Para ojas). Its amount is Ardhanjali (1/2 handful) and its colour is white. The amount of this Ojas got reduced (as per the severity of the disease) when the any disease occurs to the body instead of Para ojas.

Functions of Ojas

It provides Bala (strength to the muscles or Mamsa dhatu), provides energy for all the activities. Because of this the sound and complexion of the person looks good. Because of it all the sences of the body works properly. 

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