Pachakarma : The soul of Ayurveda

July 19, 2022 0 Comments

Pachakarma : The soul of Ayurveda

   Ayurveda is very admired alternative medicine, which is accepted by the whole World very nimbly after Yoga. As both Yoga and Ayurveda are science from India which are more than 3000 years old. In Ayurveda the most used thing is Panchakarma, which is the the main treatment protocol in Ayurveda to cure diseases. 

Panchakrama as the word originated from the sanskrit which means five procedure and plays the vital role in the Ayurvedic treatment. Beacuse the basic theory for treatment is mainly divided into two i.e. Shamana & Shodhana. In Shamana that is sanskrit term defined as process of treatment which includes pacification of vitiated doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) at there own place without expelling them out of the body. Whereas Shodhana means the process which not only pacifies the vitiated doshas but also expells them out from the body, which becomes more beneficial to the body.

Panchakarama includes :

1. Vamana: Vamana is the process of expulsion of mainly moribid Kapha dosha from that oral route and also the medicine is administered through oral route. 

2. Virechana: Virechana is the process of expulsion of mainly moribid Pitta dosha from that anal route and also the medicine is administered through oral route.

3. Niruha Basti: In Niruha Basti the Vata dosha is expelled out through the anal route whereas the medicament is administered through the anal route, but the speciallity of this is that it contain honey, rock salt, fat (medicated oils or ghee), paste (prepared out from medicnes) and decoction (preapared from medicines). The main ingredient of this Niruha Basti is the decoction which is accounts nearly to the 40% of the total content. It is the used to expell maily Vata dosha.

4. Anuvasana Basti: In Anuvasna Basti it is formed out of the fat i.e. animal or plant based which is again medicated or processed as per the need of the patient. This is again used for the Vata dosha expilsion from the body.

5.  Nasya: In Nasya the medicines is instilled through nasal passage and the morbid doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) expelled out through nasal and oral route. It is the procedure to follow for the above clavicle diseases.

These five procedures are modified into innumerable procedure which got developed as per the need of the patient and disease. 

I called Panchakrama is the soul of the Ayurveda beacuse of its nature to eliminate the maximum amount of doshas or toxins from the body. Also it is mentioned that if a patient is treated with Panchakarma then the chances of the same disease is very less or near to the zero. Also all the books of Ayurveda especially Charaka Samhita (The main book of Ayurveda) elaborated so many Panchakarma procedure procedure in all the diseases in there treatment protocol. 

It is also said that in Ayurveda texts that Panchakarma is applicable for all the diseases present in this world except one i.e. Urustambha (stiffness or immobility of the thigh region). Some of the scholars said that Urustambha can be treated after some modifications in the Panchakarma procedures. So finally Panchakarma is the thing used in the treatment in all diseaeses.

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