Susruta: Father of Surgery

July 19, 2022 0 Comments

Susruta: Father of Surgery

  The famous father of surgery, Susruta is one of the greatest Ayurveda stalwarts known for unfathomable contributions in the propagation and learning of Ayurveda. The word meaning of Susruta is ‘well versed’ i.e. a person who is knowledgeable and competent. 


There is a belief that there have been two persons associated with the Susruta Samhita namely;

1. Vrudha Sushruta

who is the son of the famous sage Vishwamitra and considered as the direct disciple Kasiraja divodasa dhanwantari. And Dhanwantari is around 1000-1500 Bc, so being the disciple of him the Vruddha Susruta is from the the same time period i.e. 1000-1500 BC. As being written in Susruta Samhita itself that it is compiled by Susruta after the guidance of Lord Dhanwantari. In Ayurveda there are two types of houses which are based on there specialisation i.e. Atreya smpradaya (those who follows Atreya and basically explains about the Kaya chikitsa i.e. Medicine) and Dhanwantari sampradaya (those who follows Lord Dhanwantari and explains about the Shalya i.e. Surgery). So the Susuruta belongs to the house of Lord Dhanwantari and wrote a compendium named as Susruta Samhita. Which is further reducted by Laghu Susruta. 

2. Laghu Sushruta

Vruddha (senior) Susruta creates the Vruddha Susruta Tantra, which was later redacted by Susruta or Laghu Sushruta (junior). The Susruta Samhita that we are studying now a days or which is very popular now a days is reducted by the Laghu Susruta. The redactor (samskarta) of the Susruta Tantra, is the son of Salihotra, the famous physician of the horse (Hayayurveda); which belongs to the 2nd century AD.

Susruta is called as Father of Surgery beacuse he is the oldest person who explains about so many concepts of Surgeries like; plastic surgery, brain surgery, bones surgery, anorectal surgery, opthalmic surgery and so on. Along with that he explains about the plant, animal and minereal based medcines. Also he explains about the multiple procedure to cure the ailments in the ways of Ayurveda.

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