Vata dosha and Ayurveda

July 19, 2022 0 Comments

Vata dosha and Ayurveda

         Vata dosha is one among the three humors (Tridosha) of the physical body (sthula shareera). There vitiation and disturbance causes the diseases inside the body and there equlibrium is the reason for a healthy balanced life.

Vata dosha

Vata is the formed from the “Va” which in Sanskrit means a element which is having Gati (motion). So vata is the matter which possess the movement quality. There are so many other qualities acquired by the Vata like ruksha/ dry, khara/ rough, sheeta/ cold, laghu/light, sukshma/ minute and chala/ mobile. All the Acharyas (educators) of Ayurveda assumes five types of Vata dosha.

Vata dosha types

1. Prana Vayu
2. Udana Vayu
3. Samana Vayu
4. Vyana Vayu
5. Apaana Vayu
Here these Vayu term is the synonym to the Vata and these are the sub classification of Vata dosha or Vayu dosha. These five Vayu are present at a specific place inside the body and plays a particular role. As mentioned earlier that vitiation of any of the dosha will leads to the disease, so vitiation in any of the types either by increase or decrease by any of the aetiology will cause ailment. And in the same ways if they all are present in equilibrium or harmony then the person leads a peacefull and healthy life.
So as per the “Astanga Hrudya” ( one of the famous literature of Ayurveda written by Vaggabhata):

Prana vayu

Sometimes called as ‘Forward moving air’, which resides in the head, chest region and throat. And it cnotrols the senses, brain, heart and conciousness. Also carries the function of spitting, sneezing, belching, respirtaion and food swallowing. Here the word ‘Prana’ stands for the life in Sanskrit and basically it is the Vata which is responsible for the life inside the body.

Udana Vayu

It refers as the ‘Upward moving air’, its place is the chest region and it moves in nasal cavity, umblicus and throat reagion.It carries the function of speech, endeavor, enthusiasm, energy, complexion and memory. 

Vyana Vayu

It is assumed as ‘Pervasive air’ and it resides in the cardiac region. It moves inside the whole body and carries functions of movement of body, downward movement of body parts, upward movemnt of body parts and eyes movement. It is also stated that all the body movements basically realted to this Vayu (Voluntary movements).

Samana Vayu

Samana means to equalise in both the Sanskrit and Hindi, hence it is assumed as the ‘Equalising air’ and it resides near to the digestive fire or Agni. It moves inside the whole Kostha (gastrointestinal tract). It carries functions like digestion of food and assimilation of food; basically it is the Vayu which stabilise the whole digestion process.

Apana Vayu

Apana is assumed as the ‘Downward moving air’ which resides in Guda (anal region) and moves inside the pelvis region, bladder region, genitalia and thigh region. It carries the functions of semen ejaculation, mestrual flow, bowel movement, micturation and parturition.
These all Vayu in combined form controls all the voluntary and involunatry movement of body. And this Vata only stated as the best than other two doshas i.e. Kapha and Pitta. For that reason it is considered as the God by both Charaka and susruta (both are the famous authours of their respective samhita/ compendium over ayurveda).

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