Why Ayurveda is not popular

July 19, 2022 0 Comments

Why Ayurveda is not popular

   Ayurveda is popular now a days but it comes into limelight just in past few years like a fashion. When people get to know about Yoga and attain so many benefits from that, then they reconsidered Ayurveda. To know about the whole story you sholud know about the history of Ayurveda.

Ayurveda history

As it is mentioned so many times that Ayurveda comes from the Atharvaveda, which is the fourth Veda which are considered aa the oldest text known to humans. As Indian tradition is so old and vast from Vastushastra (the art of Architecture) to Kamasutra (the art of love making, means they know about everything. Indians knowledge is so gigantic in all the fields of human brain expansion. They knows about everything, but as per their own theory of Kala (time) the things get changed as per the passage of time.

Yuga theory

There are four Yuga (which is unit of time; to measure it), as per Veda there are four yuga;
1. kruta yuga
2. Treta yuga
3. Dwapara yuga
4. Kaliyuga

Each yuga has its importance and their speciallity, in vedas it is mentioned that the Gunas (qualities) of time get reduced which means whatever is originated should get destroyed once. Or we can says that whatever get started once comes to an end once. So it is moves in a cicular ways or in cycle.
In Charaka samhita (the compendium of Acharya Charaka, the most reffered book for Ayurveda) states that as per the kala gati (passage of time) the Virya of Aushadas (essence of medicines) got reduced to 1/4 as it moves to another yuga. Like if the potency of some drugs is 100% in Kruta yuga then it comes to 75% in Treta yuga and in Klai yuga it lefts only upto 25%. This is same theory mentioned with for the age of the people living in that era. Like in Kruta yuga the average life of the person was upto 400 years, which got reduced to 300 years in treta yuga and finally at the Klai yuga it reduced upto 100 yeras only.
So it is nothing but the Kala drusti (the eye sight of time) or we can understand it as because of it nature its degrading in present kala i.e. Kali yuga.
One more reason for its popularity is because India was so vast in terms of its knowledge and due to that factors many foriegn invaders in search of wealth to science conquer this country so many time which results in the dilution of its authenticity towards its basics which could be from their languages to traditions and from customs to sciences. Because of inavsion of many different culture, faith and belief the originallity got disappeared and the sciences which originated from the India got renamed and mixed with the new terminology. Which finally leads to the ‘Research’ in present scenario, the word meaning of research is; which is previously searched.

"सत्यमेव जयते"

 It is very popular quote fom Manduka Upanishada which means “the truth will always wins”. So as per that Ayurveda will gets its popularity once again in coming years beacuse of its autheticity and originality. It will once again rise to ots full steangth and enlights the whole World once again as it did in the past like other sciences.

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